3 Crossfit Style Workouts To Improve Your Muscular Endurance

Recently. at NRG, we have been bringing you great workout examples to improve your fitness on different cardio machines. However this week we are going to introduce some Crossfit elements to the training! Crossfit is an American concept, which is the sport of fitness, it uses a wide variety of functional movements to test human capacity of movement at high intensity. It is becoming an ever more popular training style and a great way to improve all elements of fitness.

This week we are focusing on muscular endurance. ME is defined as:

“is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to sustain repeated contractions against a resistance for an extended period of time. It is one of the components of muscular fitness, along with muscular strength and power.”

So rather than focusing purely on strength, or the ability to maintain high volumes of lung capacity, this is a focus on the ability to repetitively contract muscles!

Workout 1: DT

10 Rounds For Time of:
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Cleans
6 Overhead Press

This is a real test of muscular endurance, testing pretty much every muscle in your body to complete a round. The deadlifts will have your hamstrings, glutes firing up, the hang cleans will test your upper back strength whilst the overhead press will set your shoulders. The barbell is designed to be used with this workout but the beauty is you can be adaptive! Use a pair of kettlebells, dumbbells, sandbag etc, whatever you have available!

Workout 2:


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 FT of
Bench Press

Another workout to test your muscular resolve and get the blood flowing into your larger muscle groups; if at the right intensity your chest, quads and glutes will be fully pumped by the end. Depending your workout experience, the weights should 1.5x body weight deadlift, 1x body weight bench press and 0.75x body weight clean, however it can be easily scaled dependant on experience and strength. This also another workout you could complete with dumbbells or kettlebells as oppose to a barbell.

Workout 3:


5 Rounds AMRAP
Bench Press - Bodyweight
Pull Ups

This is as simple as it comes for muscular endurance of the upper body, how many times can you press your bodyweight followed by how many times can you pull your body weight. Your overall score is the amount of reps of each round added together! Be smart though, don’t blow yourself up on round 1 trying to hit PB numbers, save some in the tank ready to go again so when round 4/5 comes you aren’t hitting poor numbers.

Another easily scaled workout. Can’t do a pull up? Replace with a banded pull up. Can’t bench your body weight? Replace with a weighted push up or normal push up. There is always a way to scale a workout to suit your level of training yet still push you to your limits!

And that concludes our article on 3 Crossfit Style Workouts To Improve Your Muscular Endurance. We hoped you enjoyed it and feel free to give them a try. As always, let us know how you got on and if you would change any of the workouts. If you want more of this FREE content every week, then sign up to our newsletter below. You will be first to know what is going on at NRG and all our articles sent straight to your inbox every week. If you have any topics you want covered then please leave a comment below or contact us directly!

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