How To Sleep Well 101

If you live in London, or anywhere in the northern hemisphere, there is somewhat of a heatwave going on. With heat hitting up to 35 degrees in the mid afternoon, it is seriously warm, as warm as 1976 I am told. That heat can be pretty physically draining, especially for people who are not use to it. With the heat being so extreme it is also effecting both the ability to get to sleep and the quality of sleep we are having. This article is going to spread some light on how to get to sleep and remain in sleep until the dreaded alarm!

1. Quiet Environment! - 
This sounds pretty obvious, but for those who live in inner cities or by busy roads can sometimes struggle with this. Option 1, close the windows, this is difficult in the summer because of the heat but is a perfect option during the winter months. Option 2, invest in some ear plugs! I wouldn't recommend some overly expensive ones as we want to be able to hear our alarm in the morning! A cheap and cheerful pair will do more than enough to block noise until the dreaded alarm. 

2. Ideal Temperature Of 18 Degrees Celsius -
This is a tricky one to maintain, however research has shown that 18 is the optimum temperature to sleep in. If you have separate heating in your bedroom, then simply dial the heating gauge to 18 degrees no problem. However if you don't, it might be worth investing in a small wall thermometer to measure your bedroom temp. From here you can manipulate the heat with windows open/closed or using a fan etc. 


3. Non-Inflammatory Bedding/Clothing -
You would be surprised by how many people ignore this. If you can, try and keep both your clothing and bedding a smooth thin cotton. Sleeping in thick, itchy woollen clothes or uncomfortable bedding will have an adverse effect on sleep. There is more chance of you sweating or waking up to itch than if you were to wear more comfortable cotton. 

4. Sleep Routine!!! -
It is the little things that make a routine! But try and stick to it! Be consistent with your sleep timings, finish TV at 10 then get ready for bed. Don't watch Netflix till 1am one night then collapse in a heap on the sofa at 7pm the next day. The consistency will allow your body to naturally adapt to the amount of sleep you are getting! Constantly changing sleep amounts will do your body no favours. 


5. Avoid Excessive Caffeine! -
This is a difficult concept for people to understand, caffeine lingers in the body. Just because you feel an immediate pick up 20 minutes after drinking black coffee, it doesn't mean the side effects don't stay in the body. Caffeine has been shown to have an active response on the body for up to 8 hours! Things such as elevated heart rate will of course have a detrimental effect on the body's ability to sleep! This is why we suggest that unless you are about to embark on some seriously intense exercise (not a slow jog or normal gym session), that you avoid caffeine after 2pm.


6. Avoid Screen Staring! - 
Obviously in the world we live in, this is difficult to avoid. This is why we suggest (for a 9-5 worker) that you finish screen watching (that means all screens) by 10pm to aim for a 10:30pm sleep time. That gives you half an hour for your eyes to adapt to normal light/semi-darkness before going to bed. Don't scrawl through Instagram late at night, there really isn't much point and you won't miss anything that you can't see tomorrow!

7. Naps! -
At NRG we are big advocates of napping, especially for people who either exercise regularly or are athletes. We recommend that you nap no later than 4pm and you keep your naps short, 20-40 minutes max! Sleeping for longer than an hour can have an adverse effect on the body as your body's natural sleep hormones begin to release. As a result you will wake up feeling groggy and lethargic! If you keep your naps short and sweet, you will awaken feeling alert and ready!

8. Ensure A Dark Room! - 
Blackout curtains are an absolute essential in our opinion, especially if your bedroom is directed to the sunrise! Keeping the room dark throughout the night can be difficult during the summer months, the last thing you need is a ray of sunshine interrupting a deep sleep! Make sure there is no way for the sun to creep into your room and keep it dark!

At that concludes the article: How To Sleep Well 101. We hope you enjoyed the read and begin to start implementing these sleeping hacks into your routine! If you have any questions about your routine and how you want to change it then please let us know! 

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