Sports Massage: Your Questions Answered

Massage has been happening around the world for thousands of years, and has come in a variety of techniques. However today the focus of the article is on Sports Massage. In this article we shall answer commonly asked questions about Sports Massage and dispel some pretty audacious claims. What are the benefits? Should I be getting one? Will it help? These will all be answered!

1.  Will massage help my recover from injury? 
To be honest, yes and no. Massage is a great tool to use on soft tissue, like your muscles, as it helps encourage blood flow to the affected area. With more fresh oxygenated blood going to the affected area, the more oxygen there is to aid repairing the issue. This makes it perfect for muscles as they have a greater blood supply than say, a tendon. However if you have a tendon injury, the chance of massage creating enough blood flow to encourage repair is very unlikely.

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2. Will massage make me more flexible?
Another yes/no answer. In the short term absolutely, the use of massage helps the muscles become less viscous, especially if they have been stiff for a prolonged period of sitting. The use of the massage helps relax the tension around the muscle fibres, making them "looser" which gives them the feeling of being less tight. However in the long term, massage is not going to make a long term change to the length of the muscle fibres. Sadly lying on your front or back not stretching the muscle will not increase flexibility, you are going to have to do that yourself.   

3. Will massage make me stronger? 
The chance of this is very minute. It has been seen in professional Olympic and Powerlifting that quite aggressive bouts of massage on particular muscle groups have seen increased strength before performance. However to consistently do this would not see increased strength in the long term. However massage can help relax tightened tissue which may have crossover to increased strength!

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4. How long do I need massage for? 
Realistically, an hour is a long time for soft tissue work. Especially if it is Sports Massage, I am not sure many people would want to endure that for a whole hour! Realistically for before exercise, 10-15 minutes max, for after a workout or for recovery purposes 30 minutes is more than enough time to hit the problem areas. 

5. Does Sports Massage hurt? 
There is no reason for you to be in constant pain whilst receiving treatment, that is why it is called treatment. Yes you may have areas of discomfort which necessarily be pleasant when the practitioner does their thing, but you shouldn't need to yelp out in pain. Please remember this is not therapeutic massage with candles and oils, it is designed to aid sport                                                                                           performance, not relax you!

6. Will I feel sore afterwards? 
Potentially, especially if it is used post workout. The massage is used to help break down tough and tight tissue, much like a workout. When you workout you break down the tissues for them to rebuild, from here you get muscle soreness (DOMS). Exactly the same will happen with massage, expect some muscle soreness the next day but remember it is for your good in the long run. 

7. Is massage worth it? Will it help me?
Absolutely. Yes. 100%. Sports Massage benefits with regards performance, health and well being are amazing. Not only for all the physical benefits that we listed above, but for the mental approach. The analgesic effect of the massage on your sore joints and muscles will not only help heal you body but help heal your mind as well. 

That concludes our brief Q&A of "Sports Massage, what are the benefits?". We hope you enjoyed the piece. If you have any more questions with regards Sports Massage, feel free to either comment below, send us an email or message us via Instagram. Want to stay in touch with all our fabulous free content? Then feel free to subscribe to our weekly newsletter which has each of our latest posts! Happy Reading.  

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