3 Great Crossfit Workouts To Improve Your Deadlift

Deadlifting is a great exercise, it uses every muscle, fibre and tissue of your body to pull a heavy object from the floor. Completed with good form, this movement is amazing for any type of training. Strength, power, endurance, conditioning, this exercise can be manipulated to enhance your performance - no matter what the goal. Below, we have chosen 3 crossfit workouts which will help take your deadlift to the next level no matter what your goal is!

10 Rounds of:
12 Deadlifts
9 Power Cleans
6 Push Press

This workout is perfect for someone trying to improve their muscular endurance to the next level. Not just your deadlift endurance but your whole training endurance. Having the deadlifts first blows the energy out of your legs, glutes and lower back, the cleans then fatigue the shoulders before driving out the push press as hard as possible. In this workout you are using the same weight barbell throughout, so be wise when you choose your weights. There is no point using a weight you can easily deadlift but you can’t move above your shoulders on the push press. But there is also no point using a weight so light that you can go unbroken through masses of reps/rounds. Ideally use a weight which you can go unbroken on the deadlifts as you want to move quick throughout the workout. Find a weight which will challenge you!

5 Rounds of:
15 Deadlifts
20 Box Jumps
25 Pull Ups

A hero workout, this is designed to be tough, with a high volume of difficult movements designed to fatigue the other movement. The high volume deadlift will tax the legs before you have to do an explosive box jump, but will also take the strength out of your grip before multiple pull ups. With the pull ups, choose a variation that you can complete. If that means banded pull ups or ring rows or even lat pull down, it doesn’t matter as long as you are targeting the correct movement. The workout suggests using an 100kg barbell for the deadlifts but obviously scale this to whatever is appropriate for your needs.

Adam Brown
2 Rounds of:
24 Deadlifts
24 Box Jumps
24 Wall Balls
24 Bench Press
24 Box Jumps
24 Wall Balls
24 Cleans

Another hero workout which is all about strength. You will probably see the number 24 and think how can that many reps be considered strength? Because this workout is designed to be a slog, a long gruelling workout which will take time. The deadlift is meant to be 135kg, and not many people can do 135kg for 24 reps unbroken that’s for sure. So whatever weight you choose make sure it is towards the top 75% of your max lift! Try to split the deadlift into mini sets of 4/6/8 reps and be cautious with your rest time, you can make up the time by going unbroken in the box jumps and wall balls!

So that concludes our article on 3 crossfit workouts to improve your deadlift, we hope you enjoyed it. Give the workout’s a go and let us know what you think. You may not scale the weight correctly on your first attempt, but when you go to retest, you should have a better idea on what weight to use! Want more of this amazing free content? Then feel free to fill in the form below to receive our weekly newsletter! You will receive the newest articles as soon as they come out, but also be up to date with everything going on at NRG!